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Product Liability

Product Liability Law Firm That Protects Your Interests

Damaged by a Product? Virginia Attorney Who Advocates for You

Product liability is the responsibility that any or all parties involved in the production of a product may have for damage caused by that product. Those who may liable for a defective product include:

  • The parts manufacturer
  • The assembling manufacturer
  • The wholesales
  • The store who sold the product

Product liability claims can be brought based on negligence, strict liability, or breach of warranty. The subject of product liability suits is a product that caused harm to a consumer of the product, or to someone who the product was loaned or given to. Besides tangible property, product liability lawsuits can also be brought regarding things such gas and oil, pets, and real estate. What must be proven is that the product is defective. There are generally three types of defects that manufacturers and suppliers are liable for:

  • Design defects
  • Manufacturing defects
  • Marketing defects

Products liability is usually considered a strict liability offense, meaning that the defendant is liable when it is shown that the product is defective, no matter what the degree of carelessness shown regarding the plaintiff. If there is shown to be a defect in the product that is responsible for the harm suffered by the plaintiff, the defendant will usually be found liable, depending upon the facts of the case.

If you live in the state of Virginia and have been harmed by a defective product, the attorneys at Michael N. Driscoll, P.C. can help get you the compensation you deserve. We don’t charge for your initial consultation, our firm can meet with you whenever it is convenient for you, and we offer contingency fee arrangements. Contact us online or call 703-659-4423 talk to one of our experienced attorneys today.