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Personal Injury Frequently Asked Questions

Prince William County Personal Injury Attorney Answers Frequently Asked Questions

I was hit by a reckless driver. How much money is my case worth?

That depends. If it's clear who is at fault, the value of a case is based on points in which a plaintiff can claim damages:

  • Past and future medical bills
  • Past lost wages
  • Loss of future earnings
  • Pain and suffering

No specific template exists to determine the worth of a case. However, based on his over 20 years of experience, Virginia car accident attorney Michael N. Driscoll looks over all medical record, obtains all bills and assesses the damages to the victim, which then allows him to come up with a range of value. Having a top personal injury attorney on your side can then do wonders to get you that value in a court of law.

I have just been in a car accident. Who is responsible for my medical bills and lost wages?

If the other party has insurance, the other driver's insurance company will be responsible. You also have rights to go through your own insurance company and the medical insurance you have through either your employer or your personal insurance policy. Also, through the uninsured motorist law, you can seek damages, but need the help of experienced Virginia personal injury lawyer Michael N. Driscoll.

The other driver that hit me was intoxicated. Can I claim punitive damages?

You may be able to claim punitive damages, but this depends on the specific circumstances of the drunk driver's actions while driving and intoxication under Virginia law. Seek the counsel of Manassas, VA Attorney Michael N. Driscoll to help you make an airtight claim.

An insurance company representative has come into my hospital room and he wants me to sign some papers that refer to the company paying certain expenses. Should I sign the papers?

Whatever you do, do not sign anything. Contact the Fairfax, VA Law Office of Michael N Driscoll immediately to find out why the insurance agent visited your room and what the papers are for, and he will be able to advise you on what to do next.

These are only a few of the questions that many people have after being in an automobile accident. For more answers, and top-notch legal counsel, contact the Fairfax, Virginia office of Michael N. Driscoll as soon as possible.

With over two decades of experience, he will help you get the compensation you deserve for your suffering. Call today at (703) 659-4423.